This Jabra EHS #14201-32 allows Electronic Remote Answering for Nortel/Avaya phones when utilizing Jabra wireless headsets. Now you can roam the office without missing a call. The EHS cable allows for seamless connecitivity to your phone. You'll get a ringtone notification in the headset alerting you to an incoming call. Just push the button on the headset and you can speak to the caller. No need to run back to your phone when it rings nor missing important calls.
Note: Only use this EHS Cord with the Nortel - Avaya phone models listed below.
• Answer Call - Yes
• End Call - Yes
• Ring tone in Headset - Yes
• Volume Control - Yes
• Mute Control - Yes
Jabra PRO 92x + Jabra LINK 14201-32
In combination with one of the following phones:
from Firmware release 3.1 for IP phones.
Now you can setup the headset for your phone with the automatic or manual configuration.
Automatic configuration:
To start the automatic configuration, please let someone call you on this phone; wait at least 10 seconds before you pick up the phone. Now the appropriate EHS mode should be set up.
If the automatic configuration did not work, please manually select the DHSG mode. See User Manual for instructions.